Plastic Free
Argiano, 1st Plastic Free company of Montalcino
Argiano is the first company in Montalcino to officially become “plastic free”, the first to have eliminated disposable plastics in all business sectors: from production to reception up to administration, and having replaced all disposable supplies.
The Tenuta adheres, supports and promotes “#IoSonoAmbiente” Campaign of the Italian Government, the Ministry of the Environment and the “#PlasticFree” Campaign of the WWF.
For several years, Argiano has been following a natural course in the fields, pesticides are not used, biodiversity is promoted and it is operated according to the rules of eco-sustainability. This sensitivity also required action on the strong theme of disposable objects. The plastic itself would not be the absolute evil, provided you make good use of it and above all a correct disposal. Misuse is disposable, incorrect disposal is undifferentiated.
Argiano looks at and is inspired by the circular economy, a style of behavior based on the 4Rs for the environment: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover.